General information

Did you know that it takes only three seconds to form your first impression of a person?

Don't you have ideas you need help with? At Wow we have the solution. Find here your unique personal style. Discover proposals that illuminate your face getting the best out of your hair for you to shine with as you deserve to, every morning.

The opportunity of your life can occur when you least expect it, and you have to be prepared for it. Having the help of a professional will be much easier.

A member of the Balearic Montibel·lo technical team, and with over 12 years of industry experience, you'll enjoy their modern looks based on sewn strands and coloured breaks, laser hair removal (TAHE), permanent nail polish... taking care of your hair with ammonia-free colour and hair massage.

Professional make-up artists, specialising in colour and cutting and above all, passionate about their work, Antonia Rosselló gives her best every day so you can also show off fully!

Hours: Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and 4pm to 7pm. Saturdays from 10am to 1pm, to be arranged. August by appointment only.

Contact & location

C/ Sebastiá Rubí, 5
07500 Manacor  
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